Interface IDriver
For testing. Use the Driver class.
VB.NETDriver driver = new Driver();
Private WithEvents driver As Driver = New Driver()
Inherited Members
Namespace: Sig.DeviceAPI
Assembly: SigDeviceAPI.dll
public interface IDriver : IDisposable
Please note that functions dealing with devices require a device to be selected beforehand with SetDevice(String).
Name | Description |
DeviceProperties | Provides information about the connected device. |
IsSignFinishedEnabled | Can be set to false in order to disable the SignFinished events. |
ReadSignatureImageOptions | Provides options for changing the signature image processing. Setting options may raise SignImgChanged. |
RealTimeDecryption | Allows to set a private RSA key for real time decryption. This decrypts the biodata while it is captured. |
SetCertificate | Provides setters for a private RSA key to be used signing the final document hash. |
SignFinishedMillisecondsTimeout | The SignFinished event is raised when the signature drawing has been unchanged for longer than the timeout in milliseconds given here. |
Name | Description |
CalibrateSensor() | Initiates a calibration of the pen sensor. |
CheckConnectedDevice(String, out Boolean) | Checks whether the device with the given pad identification text could be found. |
ClearLcd() | For devices with black and white display: Resets the signing background to a default image. |
ConvertImageToSoi(String, String) | Converts image files to the SOI format |
ConvertSoiToImage(String, String) | Converts images in SOI format to to BMP, JPG, PNG files |
CopyFileFromDevice(String, String) | Copies a file from the filesystem of the signature device to a local storage location. |
CopyFileToDevice(String, String) | Puts a file as a resource to the filesystem of the signature device. |
CreateSimpleDialogText(String, Int32, Int32, Color, Color) | Writes a text field in the simple dialog mode. |
DecryptAESKey(out Byte[], Byte[], Byte[], RSAParameters) | Decrypts the encrypted AES key (32bytes) by means of the preliminary document hash and a private RSA key. |
DecryptAESKey(out Byte[], Byte[], Byte[], String) | Decrypts the encrypted AES key (32bytes) by means of the preliminary document hash and a private RSA key parsed from a PEM file |
DecryptBiometricData(out String, String, Byte[]) | Decrypts the encrypted biodata text with the given aeskey. |
DeleteFileFromPad(String) | Deletes a file stored on the signature device. |
DeletePalette(SelectBuf, Int32) | It is used to switch palette for G15 DuraSignMobile pad |
DeviceSearch(out String[], Int32, FilterDeviceKind) | Searches for signature devices and returns their names. |
EnumerateDevices(out String[], out Int32, FilterDeviceKind) | Searches for signature devices and returns their identifiers. |
GetButtonConfig(out ButtonBar) | Gets the configuration of the button bar in the current mode. |
GetButtonConfig(out ButtonBar, ButtonBarMode) | Gets the configuration of the button bar in a particular mode. |
GetEncryptedAESKey(out Byte[]) | Returns the encrypted AES key (32bytes). The biometric data captured during the signature process is AES encrypted with a random key. This random key is encrypted in two steps: 1. The random key is AES encrypted with the preliminary document hash as encryption key. 2. The result is RSA encrypted. Please note that the preliminary document hash has to be set in advance. See SetPreliminaryDocumentHash(Byte[]). |
GetFileInfo(out List<PadFileInfo>) | Yields listing of the files stored on the signature device. |
IsColorPad() | This Return if it is color pad or black and white pad. it return all these pads as color pads naturaSign_Colour, naturaSign_Biometric_5_6, duraSign_Universal, duraSign_Brilliance, duraSign_Biometric_5_0, duraSign_10_0, duraSign_Biometric_10_0 |
LoadLicense(String) | Loads the license file, also known as "xml driver certificate". Without a valid license, a warning popup may appear when starting signature processes. |
LoadLicensestring(String) | Loads a verified license string. Without a license, a license registration window may appear when starting signature processes. |
ReadSignatureBiometricData(out String, Int32) | Yields the biometric data captured during the last signature process. |
ReadSignatureCertificate(out X509Certificate2, Boolean) | Reads the certificate from the signature device. |
ReadSignatureImage(Int32, Int32, out Bitmap) | Yields the drawn signature image. The way the the image is resized can be changed with ReadSignatureImageOptions |
ReadSignatureImage(Int32, Int32, String) | Similar to ReadSignatureImage(Int32, Int32, out Bitmap). Saves the signature image to a file. |
ReadSignatureNotaryInfo(out String) | Yields a text that describes the notary who is the person who holds the private RSA key that is necessary for decrypting the the biodata. |
ReadSignaturePublicNotaryKey(out Byte[]) | Yields the public key of the notary who is the person who holds the private RSA key used for encrypting the the biodata. |
ReadSignaturePublicNotaryKey(out String) | Yields the public key of the notary who is the person who holds the private RSA key used for encrypting the the biodata. |
ReadSignatureRTC(out DateTime) | Yields the time from the RTC clock of the signature device. |
ReadSignatureSignedDocumentHash(out Byte[]) | Returns the signed document hash. Please note that the hash to be signed has to be set in advance with SetFinalDocumentHash(Byte[], Boolean). |
RemovePromoscreen(Int32, DisplayOrientation) | Removes a promoscreen previously uploaded with UploadPromoScreen(String, Int32, DisplayOrientation, Int32) from the signature device. |
RenameFileOnPad(String, String) | Renames a file stored on the signature device. |
ResetDevice() | Resets all device options that are not persisted to the permanent storage of the device. |
SetButtonConfig(ButtonBar, Boolean) | Adopts the button configurations given in buttonBar. |
SetContinuousScrollMode(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, Int32, Int32) | Sets the device to the continuous scroll mode. |
SetContinuousScrollTileNumber(Int32, Int32, Int32) | Sets the continuous scroll tile number in the continuous scroll mode. |
SetCustomerLogoMode() | Sets the signature device to the customer logo mode; also known as as standby mode. |
SetDevice(String) | Sets the active signature device that should be used for signature interactions, for instance StartSignatureMode(SignMode). If not set, the driver chooses a device on its own. For getting device names, use DeviceSearch(out String[], Int32, FilterDeviceKind) or EnumerateDevices(out String[], out Int32, FilterDeviceKind). |
SetDocumentViewing(Bitmap, Int32, Int32) | Makes the device show a page of a document. |
SetDocumentViewing(String, Int32, Int32) | Shows an image loaded from a file on the device. |
SetFinalDocumentHash(Byte[], Boolean) | Sets the final document hash to be signed. The cryptographic signature is done by the signature device provided the device supports it and the softwareSign parameter is set to false. Else the signing is done by the library. |
SetLanguage(Language) | Sets the language of the popup window possibly spawned by DeviceSearch(out String[], Int32, FilterDeviceKind) |
SetLanguage(String) | Like SetLanguage(Language). |
SetPalette(SelectBuf, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | It is used to switch palette for G15 DuraSignMobile pad |
SetPreliminaryDocumentHash(Byte[]) | Sets the preliminary document hash (32 bytes). This call is a prerequisite for getting the encrypted AES key. See GetEncryptedAESKey(out Byte[]) |
SetSignatureRectangle(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, SignRectOption, SignRectScrollCorrect) | Advanced signature rectangle setter intended for document signing mode. |
SetSignatureRectangle(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Object) | Sets the area on the display of the signature device that is to be used for capturing the drawn signature. |
SetSignBackground(Bitmap) | Sets the given image to be used as the sign backgorund. |
SetSignBackground(String) | Reads an image from a file to be used as the sign background. |
SetSignText(String, Int32) | Sets the text to be shown in the display during signing. |
SetSimpleDialogClearDisplay(SelectBufClearOption) | Clears one of each display buffer or both display buffers in the simple dialog mode. |
SetSimpleDialogMode() | Puts the signature device to simple dialog mode, if the device supports it. |
SetSimpleDialogResourceFont(String, SimpleDialogFileLoadOptions) | Loads a font to be used for writing text in the simple dialog mode. |
SetSimpleDialogResourceImage(Bitmap, Int32, Int32, SelectBuf) | Puts an image on the selected image buffer at the desired location. |
SetSimpleDialogResourceImage(String, Int32, Int32, SelectBuf, SimpleDialogFileLoadOptions) | Puts an image on the selected image buffer at the desired location. |
StartSignatureMode(SignMode) | Starts a signature process. |
StopSignatureCapture() | Stops the capturing of the signature drawing. |
UnlockDevice(String) | Performing restricted operations with the device require it to be unnlocked with an adminKey. |
UpdatePaletteColors(SelectBuf, SKColor[]) | It is used to switch palette for G15 DuraSignMobile pad |
UpdateSimpleDialogDisplay(CopyBufOption) | Updates the dialog in simple dialog mode. |
UploadContinuousScrollTile(Bitmap, Int32, Int32, Int32) | Uploads an image as a continuous scroll tile. |
UploadContinuousScrollTile(String, Int32, Int32, Int32) | Reads an image from a file and uploads it as a continuous scroll tile. |
UploadPromoScreen(String, Int32, DisplayOrientation, Int32) | Uploads a promoscreen, that is, an image to be shown in customer logo mode. |
Name | Description |
ButtonEvent | Button events are raised when a button is pressed on the signature device. Please note this event is not raised by custom buttons in simple dialog mode. For these there is a dedicated PenEvent. |
PenEvent | This event is raised when the pen is lifted or lowered in the simple dialog mode. |
ScrollEvent | This event is raised when the device requests further tiles in the continuous scroll mode. |
SignFinished | The SignFinished event is raised after the signer stopped drawing on the device. |
SignImgChanged | The SignImgChanged event is raised when the signature preview image has changed. |
SignStarted | The SignStarted event is raised when the signer starts drawing on the device. |