Interface | Description |
DeviceApi.Button.Callback |
The callback to call when a button is clicked on the device.
DeviceApi.ContinuousScroll.Callback |
The callback to call when new tiles have to be sent to the device in
the continuous scroll mode.
DeviceApi.Crypto.SetFinalDocHashCallback |
The continuation to call when setting the final document hash
DeviceApi.Disconnect.Callback |
The callback to call when selected pad is disconnected.
DeviceApi.FailureCallback |
The callback to call when a problem occurs during the loading of the .NET
DeviceApi.SDialog.PenCallback |
The callback to call when the pen is used in the simple dialog mode.
DeviceApi.SignFinished.Callback |
The callback to call when a signature capturing stopped.
DeviceApi.SignHasTimedOut.Callback |
The callback to call when the signing times out.
DeviceApi.SignImageChanged.Callback |
The callback to call when the signature image has changed.
DeviceApi.SignStarted.Callback |
The callback to call when the signer starts to draw a signature.
SignApi.Behaviour.DigestCallback |
The callback to call when the digest has been calculated.
SignApi.Behaviour.Stamp.TextBuilder |
The text builder allows to adjust the stamp text.
SignApi.Dialog.Callback |
The callback to call when a dialog button is pressed.
SignApi.SigningUpdateEvent.Callback |
The callback to call when the xml signatures are updated.
Class | Description |
DeviceApi |
Can control signature devices.
DeviceApi.BlackAndWhitePad |
Functions for signature pads with black and white display.
DeviceApi.Button |
Devices may have buttons.
DeviceApi.Button.Bar |
A button bar is a group of buttons.
DeviceApi.Button.Config |
Buttons can be configured.
DeviceApi.Button.Event |
The parameter of the
Callback . |
DeviceApi.Communication |
Can change how the DeviceApi communicatios with the signature devices.
DeviceApi.ContinuousScroll |
Has types for controling the continuous scroll mode.
DeviceApi.ContinuousScroll.Event |
The parameter type of the
Callback . |
DeviceApi.ContinuousScroll.Start |
A builder for starting the continuous scroll mode.
DeviceApi.ConvertImage |
Can convert images to SOI and back.
DeviceApi.Crypto |
A collection of cryptograpic functions most of which entail a signature
DeviceApi.Crypto.CryptoId |
A Crypto ID identifies a device specific set of keys.
DeviceApi.Crypto.RealTimeDecryption |
The realtime decryption decrypts the biodata while it is received
from the device.
DeviceApi.Crypto.SetFinalDocHashResult |
The result of an operation that sets the final document hash.
DeviceApi.Crypto.SignKey |
Can set the sign key.
DeviceApi.Device |
Device related types.
DeviceApi.Device.Display |
Gets display properties.
DeviceApi.Device.Display.Size |
This a two-dimensional data type.
DeviceApi.Device.Display.SizeF |
This a two-dimensional data type.
DeviceApi.Device.Features |
Different device models have different feature sets.
DeviceApi.Device.Info |
Various device infos.
DeviceApi.Device.Name |
Devices have names.
DeviceApi.Device.State |
Devices have state.
DeviceApi.Device.Touch |
Can get properties of the touch sensor.
DeviceApi.Disconnect |
Can set the disconnect callback.
DeviceApi.DocumentViewing |
Can display documents on the device display.
DeviceApi.DriverXmlCertificate |
Can set the driver XML certificate.
DeviceApi.FileSystem |
Can read/write files from/to the device.
DeviceApi.FileSystem.FileInfo |
The name and the size of a file.
DeviceApi.License |
Can set the License.
DeviceApi.PromoScreen |
Can change the promoscreens.
DeviceApi.PromoScreen.Number |
Promoscreens are numbered.
DeviceApi.PromoScreen.Time |
Different promoscreen may be displayed for varying amount of times.
DeviceApi.SDialog |
Controls the simple dialog mode.
DeviceApi.SDialog.PenEvent |
The parameter of the
DeviceApi.SDialog.PenCallback . |
DeviceApi.SDialog.Text |
A text in the simple dialog mode.
DeviceApi.SignatureImage |
Can get the signature image and change related options.
DeviceApi.SignatureImage.Alignment |
Has several alignment options.
DeviceApi.SignatureImage.ResizeOption |
Has various resize options.
DeviceApi.SignatureMode |
Various signature modes.
DeviceApi.SignatureRectangle |
Sets the area on the display of the signature device that is to be used
for capturing the drawn signature.
DeviceApi.SignatureRectangle.Scrolling |
Some devices support scrolling of the signature rectangle.
DeviceApi.SignatureRectangle.Scrolling.Option |
Various scrolling options.
DeviceApi.SignFinished |
The signing is considered finished after the signer has stopped drawing
for a certain timeout.
DeviceApi.SignHasTimedOut |
The signing will time out when the signer does not start to draw for a
certain timespan.
DeviceApi.SignImageChanged |
Can set the SignImageChanged callback.
DeviceApi.SignStarted |
Can set the SignStarted callback.
SignApi |
Can sign PDF documents in combination with signature devices.
SignApi.Behaviour |
The behaviour of a signing process.
SignApi.Behaviour.Builder |
Builds a behaviour.
SignApi.Behaviour.DocSign |
Can adjust a document signing process.
SignApi.Behaviour.DocSign.Rectangle |
Controls the place and the appearance
of the signature rectangle on the device display.
SignApi.Behaviour.DocSign.Rectangle.Builder |
Can build
SignApi.Behaviour.DocSign.Rectangle s. |
SignApi.Behaviour.Stamp |
Can change the stamp.
SignApi.Behaviour.Stamp.DefaultTextBuilder |
Can give default text builders.
SignApi.Behaviour.StdSign |
Can adjust a document signing process.
SignApi.Behaviour.StdSign.Rectangle |
Controls the place and the appearance
of the signature rectangle on the device display.
SignApi.Behaviour.Zoom |
Has zoom levels.
SignApi.Crypto |
Has cryptography related functions.
SignApi.Crypto.RsaSignature |
Represents an RSA signature.
SignApi.Crypto.Signature |
Represents a signature.
SignApi.Crypto.SignedAttributes |
Signed attributes are a key value table.
SignApi.Crypto.SignedCms |
Represents CMS-SignedData.
SignApi.Crypto.X509Certificate |
Represents a X509 certificate.
SignApi.Dialog |
Can present a dialog of the loaded document
on the device.
SignApi.Dialog.Button |
The dialog may have buttons.
SignApi.Dialog.Button.Number |
Dialog buttons are numbered.
SignApi.Dialog.Button.Save |
Can change the dialog save button.
SignApi.Dialog.Button.StartSign |
Can change the dialog start sign button.
SignApi.Dialog.Color |
Can change the colors of the dialog.
SignApi.Dialog.Event |
The parameter of the
SignApi.SigningUpdateEvent.Callback . |
SignApi.Dialog.Keyboard |
A keyboard for editing text in the dialog.
SignApi.Dialog.Keyboard.Default |
Can change the default settings of the dialog.
SignApi.Dialog.Keyboard.Name |
A keyboard name.
SignApi.Dialog.Margin |
Can change the dialog crop margins.
SignApi.Pdf |
Has PDF-related functions.
SignApi.Pdf.ButtonField |
Represents a button field.
SignApi.Pdf.CheckBox |
Represents a check box field.
SignApi.Pdf.Choice |
Represents a choice field.
SignApi.Pdf.ChoiceField |
Represents a choice field (field type Ch).
SignApi.Pdf.ComboBox |
Represents a combo box.
SignApi.Pdf.Field |
PDF documents may have AcroForm fields.
SignApi.Pdf.FieldName |
Fields have names.
SignApi.Pdf.FieldPosition |
Fields may have a position.
SignApi.Pdf.ListBox |
Represents a list box.
SignApi.Pdf.PushButton |
Represents a pushbutton.
SignApi.Pdf.RadioButton |
Represents a radio button field.
SignApi.Pdf.SignatureField |
Signature fields may be signed.
SignApi.Pdf.SignatureInfo |
A signature field may have various signer related information.
SignApi.Pdf.TextAppearance |
Text has an appearance.
SignApi.Pdf.TextField |
Text fields may be edited.
SignApi.SigningUpdateEvent | |
SignApi.SigningUpdateEvent.SigningUpdateEventArgs |
Enum | Description |
DeviceApi.Button.Bar.Mode |
The device modes that have a button bar.
DeviceApi.Button.Kind |
Various button kinds.
DeviceApi.Crypto.BioDataFormat |
Two biodata formats.
DeviceApi.Device.Mode |
Devices have various modes of operations.
DeviceApi.Device.Orientation |
Devices have several display orientations.
DeviceApi.Filter |
Various device filters.
DeviceApi.SDialog.Buffer |
The display buffers of the simple dialog mode.
DeviceApi.SDialog.ClearBehaviour |
Which display buffers to clear.
DeviceApi.SDialog.LoadOption |
Whether to load an existing font from the device file system.
DeviceApi.SDialog.PenEvent.Type |
Whether the pen was lifted or lowered.
DeviceApi.SDialog.UpdateBehaviour |
How to update the display in the simple dialog mode.
DeviceApi.SignatureRectangle.Scrolling.Correction |
Various scrolling corrections.
SignApi.Behaviour.Stamp.Font |
Available fonts for the stamp text.
SignApi.Behaviour.Zoom.Level |
Various zoom levels.
SignApi.Dialog.ComponentType |
The dialog consists of various components.
SignApi.Dialog.TextCapture |
Two ways to write text.
SignApi.Pdf.Font |
Various fonts.
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