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thread - Variable in class com.stepover.opensignatureapi.signer.SoDefaultSigner
The sign task thread
threads - Static variable in class com.stepover.opensignatureapi.device.SoSigningDevice
keep track of threads
timeStamp - Variable in class com.stepover.opensignatureapi.bridge.WindowsBridge
The time stamp.
toBufferedImage(WinDef.HBITMAP) - Static method in class com.stepover.opensignatureapi.helpers.HBitmapUtil
toString() - Method in class com.stepover.opensignatureapi.device.nat.NativeDevice.PadColor
toString() - Method in class com.stepover.opensignatureapi.device.SoVersion
toString() - Method in class org.jopensignature.sign.Version
totalPageCountChanged(DocumentRendererListener.TotalPageCountChangedEvent) - Method in class com.stepover.opensignatureapi.device.messagehandlers.ApplyDocumentRendererMessageHandler
totalPageCountChanged(DocumentRendererListener.TotalPageCountChangedEvent) - Method in interface org.jopensignature.sign.DocumentRendererListener
Will be called if the number of total pages changed.
TotalPageCountChangedEvent(DocumentRenderer, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jopensignature.sign.DocumentRendererListener.TotalPageCountChangedEvent
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