Interface SigningDeviceInfo

    • Method Detail

      • getDescription

        java.lang.String getDescription()
      • getSerialNumber

        java.lang.String getSerialNumber()
        Returns a serial number for the SigningDevice or null if not applicable. The serial number is a vendor specific identifier for a particular device which could but doesn't have to be unique.
      • getImage

        java.awt.image.BufferedImage getImage()
        Returns a UI-usable Image or null. This image can be used to for example to present a "Device Selection Dialog".

        Although not specified the recommended size of the image is 400 x 400 Pixel.

        either a BufferedImage or null
      • getFirmwareVersion

        Version getFirmwareVersion()
        Returns the firmware version of the SigningDevice if applicable or null otherwise. The format of the version string is vendor dependent.
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Returns a name for the SigningDevice that may be used in a user interface.
      • getVendor

        Vendor getVendor()